About us

We have always been fascinated by new technologies and after we got our first 3d printer over 6 years ago, this only intensified. Intrigued by the new possibilities that were now open to us, we experimented a lot. From little gadgets to make our everyday life better to the first custom build PC case, all of a sudden everything was 3d printed. Not long after we decided to build our own CNC router to further expand the range of materials we could work with.

During this time the YouTube channel DatulabTech was also born into reality as a way to share all the cool projects with the world. Way over 100 videos and a few million views later, there still are new videos released almost every week.

Over the years we continued learning about various manufacturing techniques and have steadily upgraded our tools, mostly by building them ourselves. Along the way we also started artof2, to gain experience in a different field and give other people the opportunity to enhance their setups with our designs. After having built many crazy custom computers over the years for ourselves, we recently started offering custom-designed and build PCs here on artof2.

- David & Christian Wieland